Takashi Ogino #0
I will introduce the baseball player Takashi Ogino this time. He is a 36-year-old out-fielder who has played for the Chiba Lotte Marines since 2010.
Ogino's greatest feature as a baseball player is the speed of his feet. He can run throw in 3.57 seconds to 1st base. And he has recorded double-digit stolen bases for the 12th consecutive year joinng the team.(3rd person in history. Team record)In addition, he has a total stolen bases success rate of .824 thought the 2021 season.

When batting, the ball is met with a swing that holds the bat short and rotates the body like a spinning top. In addition, he can hit balls in any strike zone by standing just before his turn at batter box line. As he got older, the waves of ups and downs in batting disappeared and began to produce stable results.
This year, Ogino appeared as the 1st batter in every game, winning the title of the most hits and stolen bases. Winning his title is one of the things many fans have been waiting for, because he had been injured and had unsatisfying seasons every year.
Finally, his cheer song is popular with fans of other teams too, and remembering this song will make you love him more.
Please pay attention and pray that he won't get hurt.
Best nine: 2019
Golden Grove Award: 2 times(outfieldcategory:2019, 2021)
Speed Up Award: 2021(batter category)
<Milestone record>
200 stolen bases: 77th person in history
First butter running homerun 1st ball: 1st in history
2 games in a row First batter home run: 36 person and 42nd times.(The oldest)
All-Star Game Appearance: 2times(2019, 2021)
<Uniform number>
<Appearance song>
・U Don ' t Know ( Remix ) : Jay - Z (2010)
・My ANSWER: SEAMO (2011-2012)
・GIRL: 秦基博 (2013, 2016)
・NEVER GIVE UP!:FALCO & SHINO (2014)*After the 1st & 3rd at-bat
・泣いていいよ: CHIHIRO (2014-2015) ※After the second at-bat
・風に想う: 富山佑希 (2015)
・赤い実ハジケタ恋空の下 :LG Monkeys (October 2015)
・ clock strike : ONE OK ROCK ( 2017 年 - 2020 年 )
・Cage :Sawano Hiroyuki (2020) *After 2nd at-bat
・BRAVE :嵐 (2021-) ※First at-bat
・Shake it!:松本潤 (2021-) *Second at-bat
・Step and Go :嵐 (2021-) ※3rd at-bat・
・Friendship:相葉雅紀 (2021-) ※4th at-bat
・Cloudy, sunny:大野智 (2021-) ※5th at-bat